Campus Nursery School


Age: Completed 3 years but less than 4 years as on April 1.
Emphasis : Reading, Writing, Arithmetic are subtly introduced.

Reading : Language is introduced as different sounds, helping to distinguish those sounds and to relate them to the names of the objects in their environment, this is how they learn A,B,C..... .

Writing : It is the first time a child holds a thick soft colour to write or scribble. We take complete care that all the tasks of motor development are done at the right age of the child (Pediatric Recommendations). No forceful writing or activity is expected from the child, which may lead to deformations of the fingers. Pre-writing skills, beading, paper tearing, rolling, clay modelling, cutting & pasting are some of the activities which precede writing.

Arithmetic : We endeavour to provide learning through observation and practical tasks related to the child's daily environment. Children learn to understand numbers after pre-arithmetic skills like concepts of big and small, few and many etc. Recognising, visualising and associating quantity helps in meaningful understanding of numbers.

Timings for nursery
Summer : 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon
Winter : 8:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.
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